Amazon APASS Services

What is APASS?

Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS), was developed to help support vendors, sellers and manufacturers in certifying their products as Prep Free Packaging (PFP), Ships in Own Container (SIOC), and Frustration Free Packaging (FFP). Through this network, Amazon provides a list of companies and labs that can help test, design and supply packaging in line with Amazon’s Packaging Certifications. Aeris is now part of the apass network of certified packaging companies.


Why is it important?

As every retailer and brand owner is keenly aware, e-commerce is a force to be reckoned with – and a force that is here to stay and continues to grow. Global ecommerce sales are expected to increase 246% by 2021, to $4.5 trillion. Consumers want the convenience of easy comparison shopping and having a product delivered to their doorstep.

How does it work?

The APASS Network list is provided to Amazon sellers for their convenience only, and no endorsements are implied. Sellers who ship through Amazon are not yet obligated to use the APASS services to have their product’s packaging certified. If they elect to use these services, they will be contracting with APASS members directly.
